Haliyash Nataliia Bohdanivna
Haliyash Nataliia Bohdanivna
PhD, Medicine (Pediatrics), Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine, 2011.
PhD thesis: Clinical and laboratory criteria for diagnostics of immune resistance of healthy children and those with pneumonia of different age groups.
MD (General Medicine), University Diploma, Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical Academy, Ukraine, 2000.
- the problem of differential diagnosis of respiratory diseases in children;
- primary immunodeficiency in children: problems of diagnosis and treatment;
- Lyme-borreliosis: issues of diagnosis and treatment in children;
- current approaches in higher medical education and their implementation in the educational process;
- simulation based education in medicine.
- Membership: Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics – Union of Medical Specialties;
- Membership: Ukrainian Palliative and Hospice Care League;
- "Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases" – Wroclaw Medical University, Poland, 2016;
- "Children's Pulmonology Seminar" – OMI, Salzburg (Austria), 2013;
- "Chronic Respiratory Diseases" - Katowice (Poland), 2011;
- Staff exchange in nursing education and teaching of nursing programs/ Mary Black Nursing School, UPSTATE University, Spartanburg, SC (United States), Feb 2007
- Experience exchange within family medicine and elderly care fields / Saxion University, Enschede (Netherlands), Apr 2009 and 2010
- Staff experience exchange dedicated to studying postgraduate education and healthcare system in Poland / Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw (Poland), Dec 2013 and Jun 2014
- Sep 21-Oct 14, 2017 – Studying of Nursing Education and Simulation Based Learning in Canada / MacEwan University, Edmonton (Canada)
- Teach-of-teachers course in Simulation Based Training, Course for instructors at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau (Moldova), Jan 2018
- Medical Education, Open Medical Institute Seminar, Salzburg (Austria), Feb 2018
- Advanced Training Cycle "Modern Learning-Educational Technologies", November, 2015;
- Conferences: among others
- First Pediatric Ukrainian-Lithuanian School of Respiratory Diseases and the 22nd Vilnius International School of Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergology, Vinnytsia National Medical University named after. M.Pyrogov, Ukraine, 2018;
- XVI Congress of the Polish Society of Experimental and Clinical Immunology, Warsaw, Poland, 2017;
- "Current Issues of Vaccination and Communication Challenges in Ukraine", TSMU, Ukraine, 2017;
- The 2nd International Conference "Vitamin D - Minimum, Maximum, Optimum" under the patronage of the European Vitamin D Association EVIDAS, Warsaw, Poland, 2015.
- Additionally:
- As an instructor of simulation training in medicine, I’ve got certificates from the University Center for Simulations in Medical Education (State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, 2018) and the Educators Advancing Simulation Education Excellence (Simulation Center of McEwan University, Canada, 2017).
- I was coordinator of the international project MATRA 'Developing Seamless Elderly Care in Communities' 2007-2009, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, the results of which are published in the book, "Adding Years: Supporting and Improving the Elderly Care at the Community Level in Ukraine" : Ed. T. Spijker, J. Notter / Publishing House of Saxion University, Enschede, 2010. - 78 p.
- I participated in organizing and conducting a joint Canadian-Ukrainian course "Global Health" (May 15-25, 2018) within the framework of cooperation between TSMU and the McEwan University (Edmonton, Canada). It was attended by 20 students of the Faculty of Nursing, McEwan University and 8 students of the medical faculty of TSMU.